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Thursday, July 28, 2022

Is it important to clear NET exam for getting govt job in biotechnology?


Qualifying CSIR NET has always been a matter of pride for every candidate. There are various career scopes after qualifying the exam, yet students find themselves with a lot of questions regarding these opportunities, such as:

What to do after qualifying the exam?

What are the career options after clearing the exam?

After CSIR NET qualified what can I do?

To answer these questions and help students understand the best career opportunities available for them, we have come up with this article.


PhD After CSIR NET Exam


Candidates with good rank in NTA CSIR NET can pursue PhD programs & add Doctoral or Post-Doctoral degrees to their portfolios. By opting a PhD degree, you can gain expertise in your field of science like: Physics/Mathematics/Chemistry or any other field.

Most of the research universities and institutes also prefer a student who qualified the CSIR NET Exam and wants to pursue PhD as the knowledge of such students will help to pursue PhD with a proper approach.

So, if you clear the CSIR NET Exam, then you will have to make less effort to get selected for PhD position.


Research Fellow in Laboratories


Candidates can work as a researcher by applying for Research Fellow Positions in any of the reputed CSIR Research Laboratories.

Students can also establish their own Research Lab, with the permission of Government authorities and by strictly following the guidelines issued by them to start their laboratories.

The Council of Scientific & Industrial Research present scholars and researchers with CSIR Awards and prizes to honor them for their efforts and hard work.


Laboratory Technician or Support Executive


You can work as a Scientific Laboratory Technician or Support Executive after qualifying the exam.

As a Scientific Laboratory Technician, you'll be involved in a variety of laboratory-based investigations like sampling, testing, measuring, recording and analyzing results within biological, chemical, physical and life science areas.

As a scientific laboratory Support Staff, you'll assist the Research Analysts.

While working as a Support Executive in the Research laboratory, your tasks will be to carry out work that assists in the advancement and development of modern science and technology.


Lecturer or Assistant Professor


Assistant Professor or Lecturer post is considered as one of the most prestigious CSIR NET jobs these days.

After receiving the CSIR NET Certificate for lectureship, candidates can apply for this post in various government universities.

Apart from this, CSIR NET Qualified candidates are considered on a priority basis in the Private Universities too.

Such candidates can be promoted to higher positions like – ‘Head of Department’, ‘Principle’, ‘Vice-Chancellor’ or ‘Director’.


PSU Jobs through CSIR NET & Opportunities!


CSIR NET Jobs in Public Sector Organizations are highly popular amongst the young candidates. These units offer a wide range of benefits and wonderful salary packages to talented people.

Many Public-Sector Undertakings have started taking interests in the recruitment of CSIR NET qualified candidates. At the time of selection of scientists for research, they consider CSIR scorecards as a priority and hire the candidates based on their abilities.

We are listing a few organizations that offer opportunities to the CSIR NET qualified candidates.


S. No.

Institutes Names


Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO)


Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research (IGCAR)


Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR)


Indian Institute of Science (IISc) Bangalore


Indian Veterinary Research Institute (IVRI)


Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI)


Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS)


Bhabha Atomic Research Center (BARC)


Department of Atomic Energy (DAE)


Centre for Studies in Social Sciences


Work as Scientific Officer


There are some top institutes & companies in India like SAI, NBRI, IMTECH, NEERI, CPRI etc. that offers a post of Scientific officer to the CSIR NET Qualified candidates to create new products of their company by playing a role at the management level.

Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO) is an agency under the Department of Defence Research and Development in Ministry of Defence of the government of India.

Among all these, DRDO is one of the well-known organizations through which CSIR NET Qualified candidates are selected in its top laboratories. Here we are sharing some of DRDO’s labs name –

Advanced Numerical Research & Analysis Group (ANURAG)

Centre For Air Borne System (CABS)

Defence Bio-Engineering & Electro Medical Laboratory (DEBEL)

Defence Institute of Bio-Energy Research (DIBER)

Defence Research & Development Laboratory (DRDL)

Defence Scientific Information & Documentation Centre (DESIDOC)

DRDO Young Scientist Laboratory (DYSL-CT)

Laser Science & Technology Centre (LASTEC)

For complete list of DRDO labs Click Here.





EMBO Practical Course Cryo electron microscopy and 3D image processing


About the Practical Course

Each passing year unveils new and path-breaking developments in various aspects of applications of cryo-EM in structural biology, which needs to reach the user community. The practical course features not only intensive training for the participants, but also includes research talks, discussions, and brain-storming sessions on the use of cryo-EM to address difficult biological questions, which will help the participants address their research problems. The course will be an essential component of the various activities occurring periodically in capacity building and future developments in cryo-EM.

The EMBO practical courses on cryo-EM image processing have been organized in India since 2018 (alternate years), which has introduced and provided training to PhD students and postdoctoral fellows from all over the globe on the emerging areas of cryo-EM that have revolutionized structural biology.

The course will be of interest to researchers working in the fields of cell and molecular biology, structure determination of macromolecular complexes, theoretical/computational biology. The course is aimed at participants at the levels of students, postdoctoral researchers, and principal investigators from academic institutions or industry, who would like to apply cryo-EM in their scientific research mainly related to biological problems.

Course Objectives

  • To impart training in state-of-the-art techniques for structure determination using cryo-EM
  • Introduction to the best sample preparation and data collection strategies (including hands-on experience of sample preparation and demonstration of remote data collection)
  • Training in basic principles of structure determination using cryo-EM, including single particle analysis, helical reconstruction and tomography applications
  • Hands-on practical training in the latest software suites for image processing of electron micrographs for high resolution structure determination and tomography application
  • Exposure to the latest scientific advances in the field through research talks from eminent researchers from across the globe
  • Developing problem solving skills through brainstorming sessions, panel discussions and independent practice sessions on participant's data in the presence of experts in the field
  • Networking with experts, software developers, and researchers for gaining exposure to the global status of the research in cryo-EM and learn of not only the latest but also upcoming developments



  • Registration Deadline- 1 August 2022
  • Abstract Submission Deadline- 15 August 2022
  • Chosen Participants Will Be Notified By- 31 August 2022
  • Payment Deadline- 15 September 2022

Registration includes:

  • Accommodation
  • Meals
  • Course Material
  • Local group excursion

The registration fee supports accommodation from 3rd December 2022 till 16th December 2022 and does not include extra nights of accommodation before or after the course dates.


Payment by participants should be made to account by online bank transfer.

Accepted participants will receive a payment link. They should pay the registration fee before the deadline.

Selection criteria

Applications will be shortlisted for the CEM3DIP 2022 course based on the CV, including current research project, relevant skills, and future research goals.

The information in the application will be used to judge the following criteria:

  • Applicant’s ability to comprehend the topics of the course

Applicants having preliminary data or exposure to electron microscopy/cryo-EM/tomography or expertise in macromolecular structure determination will be preferred.

  • Requirement of cryo-EM-based tools in the applicant’s immediate and future research goals.

Requirements of cryo-EM applications in the research project will be judged based on the poster abstracts.

Submitted abstracts and applicant’s CV will be screened by members of the organizing committee.

Selection of the applicants will also be based on their statement of purpose.

* Student/Postdoctoral applicants should have to support their application with their supervisor’s reference. The applicant must request his/her supervisor to send directly an email reference letter about the applicant to the email address quoting the applicant's application number, before the abstract submission deadline.


to apply -- CLICK HERE


Biotech Parks & Incubators (ref. DBT, INDIA)


The Department of Biotechnology has established Biotechnology Parks/Incubators across the country to translate research into products and services by providing necessary infrastructure support. These Biotechnology Parks offer facilities to Scientists, and Small and Medium sized Enterprises (SMEs) for technology incubation, technology demonstration and pilot plant studies for accelerated commercial development of Biotechnology. The Department so far, has supported 9 Biotechnology Parks in various States. These are:

  • Biotech Park, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh;
  • Biotechnology Incubation Centre, Hyderabad, Telangana;
  • Tidco Centre For Life Sciences (TICEL) Biotech Park, Chennai, Tamil Nadu;
  • The Golden Jubilee Biotech Park For Women, Chennai, Tamil Nadu;
  • Biotech Park Technology Incubation Centre, Guwahati, Assam;
  • Biotechnology Incubation Centre, Cochin, Kerala;
  • Biotechnology Park, Bangalore, Karnataka;
  • Industrial Biotechnology Parks (IBTPs), Jammu & Kashmir UT; and
  • Chhattisgarh Biotech Park, Naya Raipur, Chhattisgarh.

These Parks are successfully accelerating the commercialization of new technologies, nurturing and maintaining emerging ventures and assisting new enterprises to forge appropriate linkages with other stakeholders of biotechnology sector including academia and Government. The Department has come up with ‘National Biotechnology Parks Scheme’ in which it is proposed to create an ecosystem to absorb the start-ups which have graduated from the incubators and give them a platform for further scaling up their R&D activities in collaboration with the state government and industry.

Biotech Park, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh

Biotech Park at Lucknow in Uttar Pradesh is the first technology incubator. This has been set up jointly as a partnership between Central and State governments i.e. the Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science and Technology and Government of Uttar Pradesh. The Park is continuously striving to achieve its mission to develop knowledge – based economy in biotechnology and assure benefits of biotechnology to all sections of the society. The Park aims to expand its activities by exploiting current infrastructural support besides adding resources appropriately wherever required, acquire dynamic capabilities and exploit the entrepreneurial opportunities with an endeavour to develop a sustainable ecosystem around the Park. Leveraging the human resource pool, knowledge base and facilities of the nearby Council of Scientific & Industrial Research and Indian Council of Agricultural Research institutes, like Central Drug research Institute, Central Institute of Medicinal & Aromatic Plants, Indian Institute of Toxicology Research, National Botanical Research Institute etc, the Park provides incubator facilities to entrepreneurs to perfect their technologies, up scale the products and even produce small quantity for testing and quality control at the Park. The Park has attracted 29 companies out of which 19 graduated out and presently Park is home to 10 companies. Another focus of the Park is to assist knowledge creation and promote biotech entrepreneurs through a service driven framework. The Park has several programs for Human Resource Development in Biotechnology to generate adequate and appropriate skilled manpower required for Biotechnology sector in the country. Biotech Park is an active partner with UP Skill Development Mission, Govt. of Uttar Pradesh and is providing training in the areas of Flavor, Fragrances & Perfume and Agriculture. Biotech Park is providing useful services to society by providing bio-agriculture products, biofertilizes, biopesticides and human resource. Under the partnership with Institute of Bioresource and Sustainable Development, Imphal, Park has started joint projects on “Propagation of diseasefree varieties of selected banana species of North- East India through plant tissue culture for enhancing lively hood of local farmers” and “Skill Development in Biotechnology in North India” by which most of the Famers and students from North East are being benefited.

Biotechnology Incubation Centre, Hyderabad, Telangana

This Incubation Centre has been established by CSIRIICT and Govt. of AP with support from DBT and is owned by the Society for Biotechnology Incubation Centre (SBTIC). World class facilities have been created for use by entrepreneurs on use and pay basis. DBT has provided support for current good manufacturing practices (cGMP) compliance for Pilot plant facilities, required for quality manufacturing and for minimizing contamination. The biotechnology incubator facility incorporates research laboratories, knowledge based service centres and utility generation facilities. It is mainly designed for development and scale up of bio processes and technologies. With its state-of-the-art R&D infrastructure, furnished laboratories & office space, utilities, support services and amenities, the BTIC has emerged as the best incubation center not only in genome valley but also in India, in two years of its operation. The existing infrastructure has successfully attracted more than 10 new companies in the cluster; most of them being startup/early stage companies. To provide analytical services to the biotech and allied industries, The Advanced Analytical and Characterization Resource (AACR) facility is established as a joint initiative of


Biotech Park, Chennai, Tamil Nadu

The Park was established by Tamil Nadu Industrial Development Corporation Ltd. (TIDCO), an undertaking of the TN State Government with support from DBT. This Park has created infrastructure for Biotech R&D on 5 and has now achieved 100% occupancy with National and International clients. The tenancy area has 74 modules, available for clients to develop their own customized R&D labs of BSL2 standards, upgradeable to BSL3, in accordance with GLP standards. Clients can install their facilities appropriate to perform their independent research. TICEL is offering the equipment for utilization by companies/scientists/entrepreneurs on nonexclusive basis for their scientific activities / process & product development / sample analysis. The consumables and chemicals / reagents for the operation of the equipment are being sourced by the clients as per their specifications and requirements. The charges for utilizing equipment will be collected from the clients. TICEL clients and external companies/scientists are using the equipment at BTCIF for their scientific activities. The detailed brochure on BTCIF, charges for utilization of equipment and booking form are available in our website,

The Golden Jubilee Biotech Park For Women, Chennai, Tamil Nadu

The Park was established by Govt. of Tamilnadu at Siruseri, Kanchipuram District with support from DBT and is fully functional since 2001 with a seed funding of Rs. 4 Cr from the Department of Biotechnology. Since its inception the Park has turned over 500 skilled women entrepreneurs, technocrats and workers; presently the Park has close to 200 women entrepreneurs & technocrats and workers with 40% of them being skilled. Presently it houses 13 companies inclusive of 5 start-ups and three incubatees. Over the last few years the Park had more than 500 interns who have benefitted from the Park and there is an increasing interest among faculty and students who desire refresher programmes and internships. The new addition to the Park is the establishment of a Incubation centre with the support from BIRAC under its BIONEST programme.

Biotech Park Technology Incubation Centre, Guwahati, Assam

The Biotech Park Technology Incubation Centre (GBPIC) has been sanctioned by the DBT in 2009 for a period of three years. An interim facility for the Incubation Centre has been built in an existing building of IIT Guwahati. This facility now has 8 modular laboratories, specialized & support facilities ready to be used. A common instrumentation facility is being equipped with sophisticated instruments. This incubator is now trying to attract companies and incubates to develop commercial products based on the rich natural products of the region. Assam Govt. has extended budgetary support for procurement of land in proximity to IIT, Guwahati and for construction of perimeter fencing and land development cost for the permanent campus of Guwahati Biotech Park.

Biotechnology Park, Bangalore, Karnataka

The project was sanctioned at a total Project Cost of Rs 32.26 Cr; with contribution from Karnataka Biotechnology & Information Technology Services (KBITS), Department of IT, BT and S&T, Government of Karnataka and Department of Biotechnology, Government of India. Bangalore Bioinnovation Centre (BBC) is envisioned to be a state of the art bioinnovation centre catering to the needs of startups in the broad areas of life sciences and facilitate innovation driven research. BBC is located in 10 Acre campus with total built up area of above 50,000 sq ft. It houses a state of art Central Equipment Facility as well. The Centre is nestled between thriving Academic Institutions like Institute of Biotechnology and Applied Biotechnology (IBAB), Centre for Human Genetics and the upcoming area for anchoring Big Companies/MNC’s. The Centre caters to the broad areas of Life Sciences i.e. Healthcare (MedTech/ Pharma/Bio-Pharma), Agriculture, Food/ Nutrition, Industrial Biotechnology and Environmental Biotechnology.

Kribs Bionest, Kochi, Kerala

The Department of Biotechnology has set up a Biotechnology Incubator Center (BTIC) at Kerala Biotechnology Park in 4 acres of land with a total built up area of 50,000 sq.ft. It has been established for accelerating and supporting the research process of entrepreneurs. A common facility lab in an area of 8000Sq.ft is also set up for the entrepreneurs as well as incubates in the biotechnology Park. Rajeev Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology (RGCB) is the Institutional Partner of Kerala Industrial Infrastructure Development Corporation (KINFRA) for operating the Lab. At present, Kerala Startup Mission (KUSUM) and RGCB are managing the facility. The BTIC was made operational in the year 2009 and there are 16 start-ups currently housed in the centre, five companies have graduated in the Business Enterprise Zone (BEZ). A common facility lab is being used by entrepreneurs as well as incubates.

Industrial Biotechnology Parks (IBTPS), Jammu & Kashmir UT

The two Industrial Biotechnology Parks (IBTPs) in the UT of Jammu & Kashmir” (one IBTP at Jammu and another at Kupwara, Kashmir Valley) have been sanctioned by the DBT at a total cost of 8466.00 lakhs (IBTP-Jammu: Rs. 4200.00 lakhs + IBTPKashmir: Rs. 4266.00 lakhs) to be shared between DBT (Rs. 6000.00 lakhs) and Govt. of Jammu & Kashmir UT (Rs. 2466.00 lakhs) in June 2018 for a period of three years. The establishment of these IBTPs will boost the bio-enterprise development along with employment generation for youth and students in the UT of Jammu & Kashmir. The project is being executed through CSIR-Indian Institute of Integrative Medicine (CSIR-IIIM), Jammu for setting up to IBTPs and on completion, the facility will be handed over to J&K Industrial Biotech Parks Society. The thrust areas for IBTP, Jammu have been prioritised for the current phase to include three areas: Micropropagation; Medicinal plants extract preparation and Enzymes/value-added biomolecules.

Biotechnology Park, Chhattisgarh

The Biotech Parks in the State of Chhattisgarh has been sanctioned by the DBT at a total cost of 2968.39 lakhs to be shared between DBT (Rs.1473.05 lakhs) and Govt. of Chhattisgarh (Rs. 1495.34 lakhs) in July 2018 for a period of two years. The project is being executed through Chhattisgarh Biotech Promotion Society and Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Raipur. The State is one of the richest bio-diversity hotspots in the country with 44% of its geographical area under forests. The Biotechnology would facilitate innovation and product development through the optimal utilization of bioresources available. The Biotech Park is expected to play a key role in promotion of startups leading to commercialization of biotech products. The thrust areas for Chhattisgarh Biotech Park are:

  • Biofertilizers,
  • Biopesticides,
  • Medicinal plant extract,
  • Molecular diagnostics and industrial biotechnology.

During the year a two days event on Startup Samvaad, a workshop on Innovation, Startups and Entrepreneurship has been organized in association with Association for Innovation Development of Entrepreneurship in Agriculture (a-IDEA), National Academy of Agricultural Research Management (NAARM), Hyderabad and Indira Gandhi Agriculture University, Raipur. Total 15 startups presented their ideas and the best two ideas has been selected and awarded. 200 participants participated in the event.

Top 10 BioTech Industry Trends in 2022


1. Artificial Intelligence

AI enables biotechnology startups to automate a wide range of processes, helping them scale up their operations. For instance, biopharma startups leverage AI to speed up the drug discovery process, screening biomarkers as well as scraping through the scientific literature to discover novel products. Image classification algorithms allow rapid detection of different traits, such as cancer cells from medical scans or crop disease symptoms from leaf images. Further, startups are leveraging deep learning to analyze microbiomes, screen phenotypes, and develop rapid diagnostics.

2. Big Data

There is an unprecedented amount of data available in BioTechnology today, from the ever-growing omics technologies and integration of sensors and the Internet of Things (IoT) devices. Big data and analytics solutions allow Biotechnology startups to tap into this wealth of data to drive innovation. It allows biopharma companies to recruit patients for clinical trials more effectively. Startups and companies deploy bioinformatics solutions to develop better feed, improve crop and livestock varieties, and explore undiscovered microbes.

3. Gene Editing

Genetic engineering has come a long way from random insertions of foreign DNA to making precise edits in genomes. The increased efficiency of gene editing is due to the development of engineered nucleases, and lately CRISPR, as molecular scissors. This opens up applications in gene therapy for the treatment of genetic disorders as well as other conditions, with gene editing techniques adding, replacing, or silencing particular genes. The targeted gene modification also enables the development of better transgenic plants and animals.

4. Precision Medicine

The falling costs of gene editing and gene sequencing make them more routinely applied in clinical practice. It enables precision medicine, an approach that allows physicians to determine which treatment and prevention strategies will work for a particular group. Moreover, it enables personalized treatment for the treatment of several diseases, including cancers. Biotechnology startups are leveraging precision medicine to identify new drug targets, discover novel drugs, offer gene therapies, and develop new drug delivery technologies.

5. Gene Sequencing

The costs of DNA sequencing have fallen by 5 orders of magnitude since the early 2000s, opening up a wide range of applications in the industry. The reduced cost of sequencing whole genomes allows the identification of pediatric disorders, personalized treatments, and setting up large cohorts with extensive phenotyping. Sequencing also presents a rapid and inexpensive method to detect the presence of microbes, ranging from the detection of pathogens in clinical and dairy samples to beneficial soil microbes. Biotechnology startups are innovating with new sequencing technologies, as well as novel applications for gene sequencing.


6. Biomanufacturing

Biomanufacturing utilizes biological systems for the production of medical products and therapies, biomaterials, food & beverages, and specialty chemicals. Startups are advancing different cell culture, fermentation, and recombinant production technologies to make biomanufacturing inexpensive and scalable. The use of biological raw materials also makes it comparatively more sustainable as compared to other manufacturing paradigms. The industry’s production models are also adopting machine learning and automation. By integrating Industry 4.0 models, Biotechnology startups offer bioprocessing 4.0 to optimize each step of the production process.

7. Synthetic Biology

An unprecedented ability to read and write genomes allows biotechnology startups and companies to develop products faster than ever before. Moreover, synthetic biology offers increased standardization and reproducibility, allowing manipulating organisms at the level of gene networks. Synthetic biology startups work on challenges ranging from computational drug design and cellular agriculture to microbiome-based solutions. Bacterial cell factories provide a high yield of valuable biochemicals for applications in pharma, materials, and food. Moving beyond microbes, startups are developing mammalian synthetic biology solutions as well.

8. Bioprinting

With the introduction of additive manufacturing in BioTechnology, bioprinting startups offer a wide range of materials and products. These startups utilize bioprinters that work with bio-inks developed from bio-based materials or biomaterials. For medical applications, cells act as substrates and grow around a scaffold. This enables the development of bone, skin, or vascular grafts from the patient’s own cells for personalized medicine. Other startups leverage bioprinting for rapid prototyping and the development of biopolymers.

9. Microfluidics

The interest in microfluidics in the BioTech industry stems from the need for lab-on-a-chip (LOC) devices. These miniaturized labs allow inexpensive and rapid testing of infectious diseases, facilitating point-of-care (PoC) diagnostics. Startups are also developing paper-based microfluidics for diagnostics and environmental monitoring. The technology finds more biopharma applications in organ-on-a-chip (OOC) devices that simulate the physiology of organs or organ types on small chips. OOC systems find applications in drug screening and disease modeling.

10. Tissue Engineering

Tissue engineering startups have grown sharply in number in recent years, thanks in large part to developments in bioprinting and microfluidics. It enables the creation of autologous tissue grafts to treat burns or for organ transplantation, as well as regenerative medicine. Traditionally limited to biomedical applications, startups are engineering tissues to create sustainable alternatives to animal products such as meat or leather. However, this needs to reach an enormous scale for the food products to be cost-comparative to animal-based products.

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Defence Institute of Bio-Energy Research, (DIBER) Microbiology/Biotech JRF Openings Haldwani



5 JRF 02 


Essential: Post graduate in Microbiology/Biotechnology in first division with NET

PhD/MTech/MSc/BTech Admissions 2022 in Biotech/Bioinformatics


for more details click-

NIAB Hyderabad Animal Sciences/Biotech Scientist Job


NIAB, an autonomous institute under the aegis of the Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India, is aimed to harness novel and emerging biotechnologies and create knowledge in the cutting edge areas for improving animal health and productivity. The Institute’s research focus is on animal genetics and genomics, transgenic technology, reproductive technology, diseases, nutritional enrichment, and bioinformatics. The Institute aims at translational research leading to genetic enhancement of Indian Livestock species and basic research towards development of novel vaccines, diagnostics and improved therapeutic molecules for farm animals. 

NIAB invites applications from suitably qualified, dynamic, result oriented and dedicated Indian citizens for filling up the following positions: 

Scientist-G – Two posts (1-UR, 1-OBC) 

Pay Level 14 as per 7th CPC 

Method of Recruitment Direct Recruitment / Deputation (ISTC) / Absorption 

Age limit 50 Years for Direct Recruitment 58 Years for Deputation (ISTC) / Absorption Recruitment on Deputation Scientists or Technologists working in the Central or State Governments / Universities / recognized Research Institutions / Semi Government, Statutory or Autonomous Organizations in India or abroad (i) holding analogous posts on regular basis in the parent cadre or Department; or (ii) with two year’s of service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on regular basis in Level 13A or equivalent / with three year’s experience in Level 13 or equivalent; and (b) Possessing the qualifications prescribed for direct recruits, as given below. The Deputation period will be as per rules of Govt of India. 

Essential Qualification Ph.D in Veterinary / Animal Sciences/Modern Biology/Life Sciences equivalent from a recognised university with a strong track record of research and academic accomplishment in terms of publications and patents and attracting generous research funding. 
(ii) Evidence of leadership with 10 years of R&D experience in any one of the NIAB Thrust areas. 

Job Description The selected candidates are supposed to work on the health improvement of livestock using modern biotechnological tools and address issues related to infertility linked with animal productivity. In addition to their own research programme, he/she is expected to provide support to other research projects at NIAB and put efforts towards institute building. The selected candidates are also expected to lead the HRD programme of the Institute. In addition, candidates have to attract extra-mural funding to establish and lead research programs in upstream mandated areas. 

Areas in which applications are invited

(i) Reproductive Biotechnology 
(ii) Livestock Genomics 
(iii) Gene editing tools for disease model generation 

Published evidence of working in the specified area during after Ph.D. (Publications in high quality journal will be given preference) 


General Information and Conditions: 

1. The positions carry usual allowances as admissible to the Central Government Employees of the same pay and status posted at Hyderabad, Telangana. 
2. Appointment will be made initially on probation period of two years which may be extended at the discretion of the Competent Authority. Further continuation will depend on candidates’ performance during the initial period of probation. 
3. Candidate(s) employed in Government / Semi Government Organizations / Autonomous Bodies / PSU’s should route their applications through proper channel. They may upload ‘No Objection Certificate (NOC)’ from their present employer at the time of online application and produce the hard copy (in original) at the time of interview. 
4. Canvassing in any form and/or bringing in any influence, political or otherwise will automatically disqualify the candidate for the post. 
5. Reservations as per the Government of India norms in respect of SC / ST / OBC / PWD etc. will apply. Women scientists fulfilling the requirements are encouraged to apply. 
6. Age limits shall be reckoned as on the closing date for receipt of application. 
7. The upper age limit is up to 05 years for SC/ST and 03 years for OBC as per the Government orders in force only in those cases where the posts are reserved for respective categories, on production of relevant certificates in the prescribed format signed by the specified authority at the time of interview. The OBC candidates should produce the prescribed certificate valid for employment under Central Government. Age relaxation for Persons with Disabilities (PwD) falling under the following categories: UR-10 years, OBC-13 years, SC/ST-15 years. For ex-servicemen upto the extent of service rendered in defence forces (Army, Navy & Air Force) plus 3 years. 
8. The age limit, qualification, experience and other requirements may be relaxed at the discretion of the competent authority, in case of candidates who are otherwise found suitable. 
9. Reservation for persons with disability (PWD) will be in accordance with section 33 of Disabilities Act, 1995 will apply. 
10. Experience for the positions mentioned in the advertisement will be reckoned from the date of acquiring the qualification prescribed for the position. 
11. In case a large number of applications are received for each category, screening will be done to limit the number of candidates to those possessing higher/relevant qualification and experience. The decision of the Competent authority will be final in this respect. 
12. Only shortlisted candidates will be called for interview as decided by the competent authority. 
13. Candidates called for interview will be paid single second class rail fare from the actual place of undertaking the journey or from the normal place of residence whichever is nearer to Secunderabad Railway Station on production of relevant document of travel. However, reservation and sleeper charges and surcharge on superfast trains will be admitted if requisite ticket / receipt etc. is submitted as proof of having actually incurred the expenses. In the absence of valid details in the TA claim, the surcharges, etc., will not be allowed. 
14. Mere fulfilment of the minimum qualification and experience will not vest any right on a candidate(s) for being called for a interview. The decision of the Competent authority in all matters will be final. No correspondence will be entertained from the candidate(s) in connection with the process of selection / interview. 
15. The Institute reserves the right to call only the requisite number of candidate(s) for selection process after shortlisting with reference to the candidates’ essential and desirable qualification, suitability, relevant experience, etc. and also to convert the desirable qualification into essential qualification to optimise the number of candidate(s) for selection process. 
16. Candidate(s) employed in Government / Semi Government Organizations / Autonomous Bodies / PSU’s shall also have to submit a certificate from the employer at the time of interview that no vigilance / disciplinary case is either pending or contemplated against him / her. 
17. The Institute reserves the right to enhance the criteria of shortlisting over and above the essential and desirable qualification and experience advertised, to optimise the number of candidate(s) to be called for interview. Therefore, candidate(s) should mention in the application all the qualifications and experiences in the relevant area over and above the minimum prescribed qualification, supported with documents and ensure that all details are complete and accurate. 
18. Age limit and No. of years of Experience will be reckoned as on date of closing of online application. 
19. The Institute reserves the right to reject any or all the applications and to cancel the advertised post, at any stage of the selection process, without assigning any reasons thereof. The decision of the Competent authority in all matters relating to eligibility, acceptance or rejection of any / all applications, fixing the eligibility criteria, equivalence of qualifications, mode of screening / selection, conduct of interview, shall be final and binding on the candidate(s). 
20. Incomplete applications are not likely to be considered. 
21. For any legal dispute, the courts of law at Hyderabad, Telangana will have the jurisdiction. 
23. An application fee through a crossed Demand Draft drawn on any nationalised bank and valid for at least 3 months in favour of “National Institute of Animal Biotechnology, Hyderabad” payable at Hyderabad, preferably Punjab National Bank, Gachibowli (Code No.PUNB0498700), Hyderabad OR Pay directly through this payment link (PWD / departmental candidates are exempted for payment of application fee). Category wise Application Fee Scientist –G Unreserved candidates Rs. 1000/- SC/ST/OBC/Women candidates Rs. 500/- Unreserved candidates from abroad with OCI status USD $ 30 SC/ST/OBC/Women candidates with OCI status USD $ 20 24. 

How to apply 

a) Eligible candidates are required to apply ONLINE through our website 
b) The candidates needs to register on the website with username and password along with valid email id. Already registered candidates, may login with the existing username and password 
c) Before online application, the candidate(s) should keep ready soft copies of the following in PDF/JPEG format as per Application form: (a). recent passport size photograph, (b) All educational certificates, (c) All experience certificates, (d) Caste / Category certificates, (e) NOC from employer (f) any other certificates or testimonials. While applying these certificate needs to be uploaded in the relevant part of the application format. 
d) An application fee is payable through a crossed Demand Draft drawn on any nationalised bank and valid for at least 3 months in favour of “National Institute of Animal Biotechnology, Hyderabad” payable at Hyderabad, preferably Punjab National Bank, Gachibowli (Code No. PUNB0498700), Hyderabad OR Pay directly through this payment link (PWD / departmental candidates are exempted from payment of application fee). The following details must be filled on back side of Demand Draft and should be sent in an envelope super-scribing “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF ________________” by post to the Director, National Institute of Animal Biotechnology, Sy.No. 37, Opp. Journalist Colony, Extended Q City Road, Gowlidoddi, Gachibowli, Hyderabad, Telangana, India 500 032 send by post : i. Advertisement Number ii. Candidate’s Name iii. Category iv. Post Applied for e) All self-attested copies of the certificates, mark sheets, testimonials in support of age, educational qualifications, experience, caste certificate (if applicable), curriculum vitae along with Fee payment receipt should be uploaded / DD copy (PDF format only) through relevant part of the application format on or before the prescribed last date. Hard copy is not required. 
f) Please note that the application without signature, or online applications are received after due date & time or incomplete in any other aspect or without fee payment will be summarily rejected. 
g) On successful submission of the online application form, the candidate(s) must take the printout of the PDF and keep it for their reference and record purpose.
 h) Candidate(s) are advised to apply early and not to wait for the last date, so that the last moment internet traffic can be avoided.
i) For any technical queries while filling the application, please email to 

j) Important dates Date of commencement of online applications : 18-7-2022 
Last date for receipt of on-line applications : 17-8-2022 by 5 PM 

More Info:

Importance of industrial training for Biotech students


In both academic institutions and private companies, biotechnology is emerging as a promising subfield of the living sciences. It is a frontier of research that offers the vast potential of its application as a superior accuracy tool for the betterment of society and the creation of riches for economically sustainable and socio-economic growth. It is an exciting time to be a part of the field of science.

Links with other major fields

Expertise from a variety of other scientific disciplines, including chemistry, chemical engineering, molecular and cell biology, botany, biochemistry, and microbiology, is utilized in the field of biotechnology. Its applications in the fields of medicine, farming, and energy production have broken new ground and produced considerable benefits. It is anticipated that during the next several years, there will be a significant acceleration in the rate of industrial growth thanks to a ground-breaking program that is being funded by the Department of Biotechnology of the Government of India.

Hands-on experience and expertise

Students are able to improve their understanding of science as well as their performance in interviews by developing skills related to the processes involved in biological science. The most essential component of a technology-driven science, such as biotechnology or bioinformatics, is hands-on experience and expertise. During the course of the training program, we place an emphasis, first and foremost, on the development of core scientific skills. These skills will enrich your existing knowledge and help you to work more effectively in the future.


Students learn the most when they participate in an internship because this is when they obtain the newest skills. A successful internship gives students an advantage over their peers in today’s highly competitive job market by allowing them to obtain more hands-on experience in a shorter amount of time while also presenting them with numerous new opportunities. Before everything else, in addition to improving their scientific knowledge, an internship helps students develop a more professional attitude and improves their capacity to carry out assignments while maintaining responsibility.

Keeping up to date

Acquiring the latest knowledge is the most important aspect since staying current with the most recent technological advancements, such as microarrays and CHIP, assists in the early identification of career trends that come with larger pay packages. For instance, molecular biology was considered to be the most important aspect of research in the middle of the 1990s. However, in the post-genomic era, in addition to molecular biology tools and techniques, the incorporation of extensive knowledge and data processing produced by high output techniques are considered to be the most important and challenging aspects of research.

Growing field

The field of biotechnology has captured the interest of a significant number of students, and each year, a number of students get degrees such as Bachelor of Science, Master of Science, Bachelor of Technology, and Master of Technology. The biotechnology business requires highly trained workers for research and development, production, and service provision. However, the vast majority of students are unable to secure placements because they do not possess the necessary abilities required by the biotechnology industry. In addition, the biotechnology sector has, numerous times, expressed concern regarding a lack of qualified labor that is proportional to the demands of the sector.