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Monday, September 16, 2019

Commonwealth Master’s Scholarships 2020

No. F. 22-1/2019-ES.4
Government of India
Ministry of Human Resource Development
Department of Higher Education
ES.4 Section

Online applications are invited from Indian nationals for ‘2020 COMMONWEALTH MASTER’ SCHOLARSHIP TENABLE IN THE UNITED KINGDOM’ for pursuing one year Master Degree Courses commencing from September/October 2020. The Scholarships are offered by the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission (CSC), UK.
Online Applications:
Link for online application: The portal would be active from 01 October 2019 to 15 November 2019.
Ministry of Human Resource Development portal:
Link for online application: The portal would be active from 01 October 2019 to 15 November 2019.
Commonwealth Scholarship Commission’s Online Application System (OAS):
Link for OAS: The OAS is active from 28 August 2019 to 30 October 2019.
Notice: It is mandatory for the applicant to apply on both portals prior to their respective deadline, failing that bis/her candidature will be deemed ineligible.
Note: The final date for applying on CSC OAS is 30 October 2019.
Notice: CSC has offered a scholarship for pursuing Master’s Course (one year) only. Master Degree programs that are less than two years in duration aren’t equal to a Master Degree in India.
Note: CSC does not offer a scholarship for pursuing MBA.
Number of nomination:
39 nominations are made to the CSC. The CSC will inform this Ministry of the chosen applicants by June 2020.
(i) The applicant has to be a Citizen of India.
(ii) The applicant must be a permanent resident of India.
(iii) The applicant has to be available to start his/her academic studies in the united kingdom by the onset of the UK academic year in September/October 2020.
(iv) The applicant must have completed or is expected to complete his/her Bachelor Degree by October 2020.
(v) The applicant should not be able to afford to study in the UK without this scholarship. (Candidates are compulsorily required to sign a declaration they don’t have access to sufficient funds to study in the UK).
(vi) Candidates who have been abroad for studies/training/ specialization either on scholarship or on their own, for a period exceeding six months are eligible to apply if they have been in India for at least 2 consecutive years according to’date’ after returning from abroad.
Commonwealth Master’s Scholarship is offered under the following themes:
  • Science and technology for development
  • Strengthening health systems and capacity
  • Promoting global prosperity
  • Strengthening global peace, security and governance
  • Strengthening resilience and response to crises
  • Access, inclusion and opportunity.
Selection and nomination:
  • Candidates that have received an offer of admission from any participating universities should upload a copy of the same on the Ministry’s portal at the time of online application, failing which their candidature won’t be considered.
  • If there are a number of students compared to available nominations, in that scenario, the ranking of this University according to the ‘QS Ranking 2020’ will be taken to draw the merit list.
  • Theme-wise nomination would be made.
General Instructions:
  1. Candidates who don’t have the eligibility criteria don’t apply.
  2. Canvassing in any form will be a disqualification.
  3. It’s very important that applicants that are in employment to which they would like to return after completion of their studies in the UK should have an assurance from their organization that on the final selection by the CSC, they’ll be granted sufficient leave to complete the study.
  4. Candidates are asked to regularly visit the Ministry Website as all additional announcements will be uploaded there. Queries via email might be directed to
  5. The nominated candidates will be informed through public and e-mail notice on the Ministry’s site.
  6. Important Links:
  7. For applying online to the Ministry of Human Resource Development:
  8. For applying to CSC trough OAS:
  9. Details of Commonwealth Master s Scholarship 2020:


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